Ramona Weber

In my two and a half terms as Commissioner there have been many changes in our Nation, our State, and Mineral County. I have worked hard to stay in front of these changes and strive to always represent Mineral County with integrity and knowledge, and yes, even a bit of humor. I am active at the state and national level on subjects that are of importance to our county. I am one of 8 Commissioners in the state that represent public lands issues for Colorado Counties. I am the chair of the Southern District of Counties, and am on several boards that the county has “skin in the game.”
My family moved to Mineral County in 1974 and we made Creede our home. My parents owned and operated the Kentucky Belle for many years, they sold out and then my brother Ron and his lovely wife Kay bought the store back and have made it an asset to the community. I have two great kids. Randi and Malcolm Snead with their amazing daughter Minnie and Kelly and Nicole DePriest and their three wonderful kids Deagan. Allie, and Lea. I am married to Jay Weber who keeps me grounded.
I love to stay busy and I own and operate the Wild Beaver Mountain Man Emporium. I Love to go to Rendezvous with all my friends and family and love spending time outdoors, hunting and fishing.
I am a former history teacher with my emphasis on American government and I love discussing history and participating in historical re-enactments. I am also a strong Constitutionalist and study it often.